Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Kiev is ready to start peace talks with Russia tomorrow if Moscow withdraws its troops from all of Ukraine.

In addition, Zelensky said at the end of the peace conference in Switzerland that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not stop the war. Therefore, war must be stopped at any cost be it military or diplomatic means. 

He added that Western aid was not enough to win the war, but the conference showed that international support for Ukraine had not weakened.

The peace conference concluded with an expression of solidarity with the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The conference adopted a declaration blaming Russia for the massive destruction and suffering of the war.

However, some participating countries including India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia have not signed it. The goal of the conference was to build broad support for any possible process to end the war in Ukraine.

More than 90 countries and international organizations participated in it. Russia was not invited to this conference. Besides, his big supporter China was not present. As a result, some are expressing doubts about the efficacy of the conference.

Ukraine is not close to any of the countries gathered in the Swiss resort of Burgenst. As Saudi Arabia's foreign minister warned Ukraine, the country will have to make some compromises that will be difficult for them. 

Kenya, on the other hand, has spoken out against recent sanctions against Russia.

The declaration calls for the return of control of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant to Ukraine. The center is currently under Russian control.

It called Russia's operation a "war". Which Russia has always rejected.

The declaration also called for the exchange of all prisoners and the return of abducted children. The most contentious issue, the status (identity) of areas under Russian control, is left for later determination.

Speaking to reporters at the end of the conference, Zelensky thanked the world leaders. He noted that countries that were not previously involved in diplomatic initiatives have also joined the process.

"The conference shows that international support (for Ukraine) has not weakened," Zelenskyy said. The BBC asked if Ukraine's weak position on the battlefield is forcing him to engage in diplomatic activities.

In response, Zelensky said, "Not at all, but Ukraine has always been talking about peace." According to him, if Moscow was present in the talks, it would be understood that they are interested in establishing peace. 

Zelensky also mentioned that China is not an enemy of Ukraine. Urging the country to play a responsible role in advancing the peace proposal, he said, "I respect China and its territorial integrity. We want China to have the same attitude towards us." 

Earlier on Friday, President Vladimir Putin said he would agree to a ceasefire only if Ukraine withdraws its forces from Russian-occupied territories.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called it 'propaganda'. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sees this as Putin's 'make-believe attitude'.